Our Surgeons Publish a Journal Article on Their Innovative Gynecomastia Technique
May 11, 2010
Gynecomastia is a common condition that causes an overdevelopment of breast tissue that affects men of all ages. In the March 2008 edition of the prestigious Journal of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery, Dr. Lista and Dr. Ahmad of The Plastic Surgery Clinic in Toronto and Mississauga published an article on their pioneering technique for treating this condition. Their method of using power-assisted liposuction alongside the pull-through technique is reviewed through 99 consecutive patients. Their research revealed a 97% success rate with a complication rate of only 1% and no required revisions. By using this innovative method, Dr. Lista and Dr. Ahmad have developed a state-of-the-art technique that consistently produces a perfectly natural looking result with a minimal, inconspicuous scar.
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