Definitive Review Article on Vertical Scar Breast Reduction by Drs. Lista & Ahmad
May 10, 2010
In June 2006, Dr. Lista and Dr. Ahmad of The Plastic Surgery Clinic published their authoritative, peer reviewed article on vertical scar breast reduction. The advantages of the vertical scar technique include a reduced scar burden and better long-term breast projection, though some surgeons opt not to use it for a number of factors, including its supposed more intuitive nature (which would make it more difficult to learn) and its perceived limitations to more moderate cases of necessary reduction. This article reviews a 15-year period of experience including 250 consecutive cases – the largest reported series of vertical scar breast reduction surgeries performed by a single surgeon at the time of publication. The surgeons’ conclusive research demonstrates that the vertical scar technique has been applied to breast reductions of all sizes and has consistently produced good breast shape with an operation that is shorter to perform and leaves fewer scars. They explain how the technique is in fact straightforward and easy to learn, and that it offers a safe, effective, and predictable result.
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