Aesthetic Surgery Journal Publishes Labiaplasty Article by Drs. Lista & Ahmad
June 30, 2015
Dr. Lista and Dr. Ahmad of The Plastic Surgery Clinic are pleased to announce that their recent journal article on aesthetic labiaplasty has been published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal.
For many women, the appearance of the labia is a deeply personal matter. Both Dr. Lista and Dr. Ahmad have met female patients over the years who have had functional or aesthetic concerns about their labia. For some, overdevelopment or overly large labia can cause pain during intercourse, pain when sitting, discomfort when walking or running, and several other difficulties that affect their day-to-day lives. Women whose labia minora appear enlarged or asymmetrical have also reported self-consciousness, anxiety, and fears that they might appear abnormal in sexual situations. Some women with this condition even feel too embarrassed to wear tight clothing. This has led to an increase in women seeking out labia reduction procedures in order to improve labial appearance and to offer functional and psychological relief.
Over the years, as this procedure has developed and increased in popularity, several questions have been raised about its safety and effectiveness. A lack of published studies on the effects of this surgery has left some women and health organizations uncertain of its efficacy and wary of potential complications. As a result, Drs. Lista and Ahmad performed a study of 113 aesthetic labiaplasty patients over the past 7 years to examine demographic, procedural, and outcome data.
Out of these 113 patients, the doctors found that 13% reported temporary symptoms including swelling, bruising, and pain, while only one patient (or 0.8% of the survey) experienced bleeding. Four patients (3.5%) required slight revision in order to further improve any remaining asymmetry or the appearance of excess tissue. In all cases studied, no major complications were reported. The surgeons concluded that the technique used at The Plastic Surgery Clinic known as the “edge excision technique” has a very low complication rate and offers satisfactory aesthetic outcomes for patients. They also surmised that more studies are needed in order to examine the impact that a labia reduction procedure has on a woman’s self-image and quality of life in order to better understand the motivations and expectations who choose to undergo this type of surgery. Doing so would enable surgeons everywhere to help patients make well-informed decisions about their bodies and their health.
Dr. Lista and Dr. Ahmad are pleased to have their research published in this prestigious, peer-reviewed, international journal so that their work can reach plastic surgeons all over the world. In this way, they will contribute to the growing body of knowledge surrounding this procedure, and help other doctors move forward with an educated approach.
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