Don’t you sometimes wish that you could take just a little peek into the future to know whether the huge decision you’re about to make is worth it? Making the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery, especially a facelift, is one of those biggie decisions, and once you jump on that train there really is no turning back.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing! But it can be a little anxiety inducing, which we totally get.
So although we can’t predict the future, we can dispel some of your decision-making anxieties by telling you what we know about the facelift procedure, and also by telling you what our facelift patients have told us. They are, after all, the ones who can tell you from personal experience what the facelift procedure and recovery is all about.
I Probably Didn’t Need to Wait so Long
Although the decision to undergo surgery, any kind of surgery, but particularly surgery on the face, can be extremely daunting, there’s sort of a sweet spot for when to have a facelift. This is not only something that our surgeons recommend, but it’s something we hear from our patients a lot. Many wish they hadn’t waited as long as they did.
The thing with any cosmetic surgical procedure is that it can’t stop the aging process. You will continue to age after your facelift surgery, so timing is key. Don’t get us wrong—we’re all for sticking with the non-surgical options for as long as you can. But we recommend not waiting so long that you lose out on “enjoying” the results of your facelift.
Also, surgery is generally easier when you’re just that tad younger. At a younger age, you’re more likely to get the all clear health-wise for surgery, and recovery is easier too.
Basically what we’re saying is there’s no need to wait until your 70’s for a facelift. At the same time, you also don’t need to rush it in your 40’s or even your early 50’s. However, everyone is different! There’s no one-age-fits-all solution, but if you’ve been considering a facelift procedure, the range between the mid-50’s and 60’s might just be your sweet spot.
Recovery Took More Time Than I Expected
Another thing we hear a lot from our patients is that although they were fairly warned that recovery would take time, they didn’t expect it to take quite as much time as it did. There’s a misconception that because the surgery is on the face and not the body that somehow recovery should be quicker; many patients told us they definitely underestimated how long recovery would actually take.
Patients tell us that they didn’t necessarily feel pain—major discomfort after a facelift is actually pretty rare and can easily be managed with pain meds—but surgery does take a bit of a toll on the body. And although many facelift patients are back at work after about 10 days to two weeks, they found that they got tired very easily and didn’t really start feeling like themselves again until about the four week mark.
The Swelling in the First Days Can Be Intense
The swelling immediately after your facelift surgery is REAL. Again, this is something we warn our patients about, but it’s not something many of our patients realized until they experienced it. The face is a very delicate feature of the body, and swelling and bruising right after surgery is really normal, but can be very surprising.
What you see immediately after surgery is not your final result, so there is no need to be alarmed. Swelling and bruising also tends to look worse on day 3 than it does on day 1, so you just need to be super patient. Major swelling and bruising subsides within a week or two of surgery and by week three or four the bulk of it has really dissipated.
If you plan to go back to work within the two week mark, typically make-up is enough to disguise any residual bruising.
I’m Really Happy I Chose the Right Surgeon and Clinic
You’ll see your own dramatic transformation and many people will notice something different about you, but an excellent facelift is one that is virtually unnoticeable. This takes skill. One of the things we hear a lot from our patients is that they’re so happy that they did their research and found a surgeon that they trusted and that had a lot of experience with facelift surgery.
before and after a facelift at The Plastic Surgery Clinic
You want someone who has the precision and technique to hide scars, and who has a deep understanding of facial anatomy to enhance the features that you already have. And your results are truly important, but so is your safety.
Pre and post-operative care is just as important as surgery day if not more, and you want a surgeon and clinic that’s going to be there for you through every step of your facelift journey, from the day you come in for your first consultation to one year following your surgery.
Did we answer all your questions? Our goal is to ensure you have the best information possible to make your decision. If you still have questions, we’re here to help.