The Top 5 Things to Consider for Breast Augmentation
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The Top 5 Things to Consider for Breast Augmentation

photo of a woman doing research onlineSo, you’ve decided you want to undergo a breast augmentation surgery but don’t know where to start. If you’re thinking about having any kind of surgical procedure done, the best thing to be is 100% prepared and informed.

Here are the top 5 things to consider:

Is Breast Augmentation the right choice for you?

The first step is to make sure that breast augmentation surgery is what you’re really looking for. The best way to make that decision, and we would stress the most important way, is in consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. It’s important to figure out the result that you want to achieve.

Some women are looking for bigger breasts but some women are looking to counter sagging breasts, in which case you might be looking for a breast lift as opposed to a breast augmentation, or maybe both. Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll make the best decision for your body and your lifestyle if you discuss all your concerns, needs, and expectations with your doctor.

Your Breast Augmentation Incision Placement

In order to insert your implant, your surgeon will have to make an incision. There are 4 types of incisions, and the one that you decide on depends on a number of factors, which include the type of implants you choose, the size of the implants, your anatomy, as well as your lifestyle. Again, this is something that needs to be discussed with your doctor in detail.

The first type of incision is called the inframammary, or crease incision, which is placed along the crease that is found below each breast. You also have the option of a periareolar, or the nipple incision; the transaxillary, or armpit incision; or the transumbilical, otherwise known as the belly button incision. Incisions are usually anywhere between 1 and 4 inches long, and can vary in length depending on where they are and the size and type of your implants.

There are no better or worse incisions. The important thing is to choose the one that is right for you. That’s why choosing a clinic that offers you an in depth in person consultation is key to this process. We can’t stress this enough.

Breast Implant Types

Women are often worried about the types of implants out there and whether they are safe. If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery these days you can rest assured that no matter which implant you choose, it is very safe.

There are two types of implants: saline and cohesive gel silicone.

Saline implants are filled with a salt water solution, which is a liquid that is already naturally present in our bodies, so in the rare case that your implant were to rupture the solution would be naturally absorbed by your body without any associated health risks. Some saline implants are filled after being inserted meaning that your incision scar could be considerably smaller.

Cohesive gel implants are a solid silicone implant otherwise known as the “gummy bear” implant. They have the amazing advantage that if for whatever reason they were to rupture or their shell were to be broken, they will not leak and they will retain their shape.

The disadvantage is that because they are solid they need a larger incision to be implanted. But many women choose the cohesive gel implant because they love the natural shape and feel it gives to their breasts.

There are pros and cons to each type of implant, but you really need the one that is right for you and that will give your desired look and feel. You can learn more about the different types of breast implants that are available to you and browse our previous breast augmentation topics to learn more.

Choosing Your Breast Implant Size

Breast implant size is dependent on a number of factors that you need to discuss with your doctor. Implants range in size: the bigger the number the larger the implant, and obviously you will want to choose your desired size. Some of us are looking for that dramatic increase in size and some of us want a larger size but also a natural look and fit.

But, that’s not the only thing you’ll need to consider when choosing your implant size. It also depends on your current breast measurements, your breast tissue and chest wall, and the broader characteristics of your breasts, so you might a number in mind for your desired volume but this may need to be adjusted according to your personal anatomy when your surgeon performs your preliminary measurements.

Breast Implant Shape: Round or Teardrop

Yes! There are different shapes!

Round implants tend to be more popular because a lot of women who are looking for a breast augmentation are looking for more fullness at the top of the breast, which translates to more cleavage. Women also tend to love the look and feel of round implants, which tend to be softer and more natural to the touch.

Teardrop implants look like what they sound like—they mimic the look of our natural breasts, giving more volume to the base of the breasts as opposed to the top like in the round shape. However, teardrop implants are only available as cohesive gel silicone, which may affect your decision. The great thing about teardrop implants is that they are very resistant to rupture.

Teardrop implants are also very good for individuals who have a more tubular looking breast, also known as tubular breast deformity. They allow your surgeon to add more volume to the lower pole of the breast which is commonly lacking a rounder, fuller shape in these cases.

All this to say that there is a lot to consider when it comes to breast augmentation surgery. To say we gave you some food for thought might be an understatement, but the only way to achieve your best result is to be fully in the know.

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