Rhinoplasty Expert Dr. Jamil Ahmad Lectures in Oslo | The Plastic Surgery Clinic Blog
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Rhinoplasty Expert Dr. Jamil Ahmad Lectures in Oslo

lecture from rhinoplasty expert

I was recently invited as a visiting lecturer to the University of Oslo by Dr. Jørgen Utvall. Oslo is the capital city of Norway. It is both the governmental and economic centre of Norway. The metropolitan area of Oslo has a population of 1.5 million people. The city of Oslo is set at the tip of the Oslo Fjord which juxtaposes the coastline with the surrounding mountains making for spectacular scenery. The University of Oslo plastic surgery residency training program spans three hospitals and has over 10 plastic surgery residents. I spent the day at the main teaching hospital, Rikshospitalet, with my host, Dr. Utvoll, and his plastic surgery residents. I was invited to lecture on rhinoplasty and gave three presentations:

1. Nasofacial proportions and systematic nasal analysis
2. Key concepts in open rhinoplasty
3. Safe management of the nasal airway

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures in plastic surgery. Taking into consideration both the cosmetic and functional goals and combining this with the technically challenging nature of nasal surgery, rhinoplasty is considered one of the most challenging operations in plastic surgery.

lecture by rhinoplasty expert Dr. Ahmad

As part of my presentations, I talked about concepts and techniques that I apply to achieve consistent great rhinoplasty results from both a cosmetic and functional point of view. My approach for successful rhinoplasty includes:

• before surgery, thorough assessment and analysis of the patient and their nose, as well as defining treatment goals with the patient
• preparing the patient for what to expect leading up to their surgery, on the day of surgery, and during the recovery process
• precise technical execution during surgery
• providing excellent support and care of my patients during their recovery

Throughout the course of my presentations, we discussed many surgical concepts aimed at improving the finesse of rhinoplasty surgery – concepts that make the difference between a good and a great rhinoplasty result.

In addition to discussing rhinoplasty, we had an opportunity to compare and contrast plastic surgery residency training in Canada and Norway. I really enjoy meeting other plastic surgeons from around the world and find it very interesting to see how plastic surgeons are educated in different healthcare systems.


We ended the day with a fantastic dinner at a restaurant overlooking the Oslo Fjord. I really enjoyed my visit and will definitely return to Oslo in the future.


Dr. Ahmad Editor of Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters
The Luminous Beauty Event
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