Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and spent it doing what you love. We are really pleased to be forging ahead into 2020 with a brand new procedure that we’re super excited to tell you about called buccal fat removal.
What is Buccal or Cheek Fat Removal?
If you haven’t heard about it before it might sound a little strange, but it’s actually a really straightforward procedure that can define and elongate an otherwise round or heavy looking face. If you’re reading this you might be thinking, “isn’t the trend to actually add volume to the face?” and that’s totally true for some people.
With age, we lose a lot of moisture, collagen, and elasticity in our face, which can make the skin on the face sag and look gaunt and older than it should, so there are a number of great injectable beauty treatments out there that actually work to plump up the face in order to restore some of its youthfulness.
That said, some of us might actually have the opposite happening. Some of us still have those super cute, pinchable chubby cheeks from when we were little, and while having our cheeks pinched when we were 4 might have been fun (or not!), by 40 we’ve probably had enough.
And although some of us might not be bothered by it, some of us might feel that having chubby cheeks as adults makes us look heavier than we really are or hides that otherwise defined profile. Think Renée Zellweger or Bella Hadid—both are rumoured to have had buccal fat removal procedures, and both have quite defined high cheekbones today.
So what is buccal fat removal? Well we all have a pad of fat just under the surface of our cheek hollow, and for some this is larger than for others. Buccal fat removal is a procedure where this fat is removed in order to reveal a thinner and more contoured face.
And the great thing about the procedure is that because the incisions are made on the inside of your mouth you don’t have to worry about any scarring. The recovery is also not too extensive (1 week off from work) and you’ll be able to see results as little as a few days following surgery. Buccal fat removal offers a subtle transformation of your face, so you’ll still look like yourself, just with more definition in your appearance.
Dr. Lista, Dr. Ahmad and Dr. Austin are really excited to be introducing the buccal fat removal procedure at The Plastic Surgery Clinic. They are world experts on buccal fat removal and have not only published extensively about it, but have also attended international conferences in order to pass on their knowledge and expertise about the procedure to other surgeons.
Interested in learning more? Take a more in-depth look at buccal or cheek fat removal and find out if you could be a good candidate. Or if you’re ready to take the plunge and make a change in the New Year fill out the form below to request a free consult with Dr. Lista, Dr. Ahmad or Dr. Austin. We can’t wait to meet you!
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