Plastic Surgery Blog
There is probably no better example of a cosmetic surgery that transforms people’s lives more than breast reduction surgery. That’s right, we said it: a breast reduction can be truly life changing.
Sometimes plastic surgery is not given the credit that it is due. If you’re an avid reader of this blog, you probably give plastic surgery the credit that it’s due. And we don’t want to be pointing any fingers here, but it can feel as though when you talk about plastic surgery in the public sphere out there with everyone, it can often be regarded as something frivolous or extra that only those obsessed with their own vanity chase after.
But we forget that plastic surgery is not just about making famous people look even more beautiful than they already are, or about slowing down the signs of aging, or making people thinner. Plastic Surgery as a medical practice really came to the fore during the two Great Wars when it became a necessity for wounded soldiers.
No one said it better than Italian plastic surgeon Gaspare Tagliacozzi in 1957, when he wrote:
“We restore and make whole those parts which nature or ill fortune have taken away, not so much to delight the eye but to buoy the spirit of the afflicted.”
Plastic surgery is really about helping people. It’s not about making them more beautiful to others, it’s about making them feel better physically, emotionally, and mentally. And most importantly it’s about making people more beautiful to themselves in every sense of the word. Which brings us back to the breast reduction procedure.
If you’re reading this and you’re someone who has been gifted with naturally larger breasts, you may not actually feel like they’re a gift, but more like a burden. Here’s how breast reduction surgery can change your life.
One of the primary reasons we see patients coming in requesting breast reduction surgery is because the weight of their breasts have caused them to have terrible neck and back pain. Heavy breasts greatly affect posture by constantly pulling your body forward causing neck and back pain and in some extreme cases even numbness.
Lighter breasts will allow you to stand up straight again, regain your natural posture, and finally give your neck and back a much deserved break.
Large breasts, especially if they are very heavy with severe drooping (otherwise known as ptosis), can cause you to have shortness of breath as well as fatigue, making it difficult to do routine things like walk up stairs, run after your kids, or exercise.
Following breast reduction surgery you will literally feel as though a weight has been lifted off your chest, because it has (!), which will allow you to more comfortably go about your daily life.
It can be extremely difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep in when your breasts are too large. Following breast reduction surgery women are overjoyed that they can finally get an amazing night’s sleep without being restless and constantly tossing and turning. And sleep is so so important when it comes to mental health. You really need to be rested in order to take on all the things life throws your way.
It can be extremely difficult to exercise if you have heavy breasts. Simple things that you might otherwise enjoy, such as jogging, an aerobics or yoga class, spinning, can be super uncomfortable or downright painful.
Breast reduction surgery will allow you to jump on that fitness train again. Not only will your breasts feel lighter, but they’ll also be smaller and more proportional to your body, and you’ll have a much easier time fitting into a proper fitness bra.
This is probably one of the things that makes us happiest at The Plastic Surgery Clinic, when our breast reduction surgery patients come back and tell us how much more confident they are, how they have a renewed sense of self and feel beautiful again. They love that they can finally find a shirt that fits as it should, and a bra that doesn’t dig into their shoulders. Not having other people stare at them or act awkwardly around them? Always a bonus.
A lot of people mistakenly think a large chest will get you attention, but for a lot of breast reduction patients this attention isn’t quite the kind they were looking for. For many of our patients breast reduction surgery is so pivotal in making them feel less stressed and anxious, and simply happy again.
If you’re reading this and you’re thinking of getting breast reduction surgery in Ontario, here’s what makes The Plastic Surgery Clinic the place to get it done.
First off, Dr. Lista isone of the BEST and most experienced breast reduction surgeons in Ontario and Canada. At The Plastic Surgery Clinic we perform over 200 breast reduction surgeries per year.
Also, if you’re thinking about breast reduction surgery and worried about scarring, then The Plastic Surgery Clinic is really the place for you. Our surgeons, Dr. Lista, Dr. Ahmad and Dr. Austin actually developed what is called the “stop sign” or “lollipop” procedure, which has eliminated the long scar in the bra crease that you often see associated with breast reduction surgeries.
This means that our patients have much less scarring, the only ones being around the edge of the areola and straight down to the bra crease, hence the “stop light” and “lollipop” nicknames. In his extensive years of practice Dr. Lista has performed over 2500 breast reduction surgeries using the “lollipop” technique, so let’s just say, he knows what he’s doing.
And if that’s not convincing enough check out our breast reduction before and after photo gallery. Get ready to be amazed!
If you’re ready to change your life with breast reduction surgery, we would love to meet you. Book a free consultation and come talk to us. Our doctors want to hear your story.
Did we answer all your questions? Our goal is to ensure you have the best information possible to make your decision. If you still have questions, we’re here to help.