Rhinoplasty Expert Dr. Ahmad Lectures in Rio de Janeiro
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Dr. Ahmad Documents his Dallas Rhinoplasty Meeting in Rio

I was recently invited to lecture to plastic surgeons in Rio de Janeiro at the 36th Jornada Carioca de Cirurgia Plástica, one of the largest plastic surgery meetings in South America. Dr. Rod J. Rohrich and I host the Annual Dallas Rhinoplasty Meeting in Dallas and were invited to host a special edition of Dallas Rhinoplasty in Rio. Dr. Rohrich is Editor-in-Chief of the journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and my co-author for our two landmark textbooks Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, 3rd Edition and Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters. We performed live rhinoplasty surgery demonstrations and lectured extensively on many topics in rhinoplasty.

Dr. Ahmad at lecture podiumDr. Ahmad lecturing at Dallas Rhinoplasty in Rio.

Rio de Janeiro, with its unique landscape of beaches and mountains, was an amazing backdrop to host our meeting. Historically, Jornada Carioca de Cirurgia Plástica is one of the most prestigious education meetings attended by plastic surgeons in South America. On this special occasion, our Dallas Rhinoplasty in Rio meeting set a record for attendance with of over 1,500 plastic surgeons attending to learn more about rhinoplasty from Dr. Rohrich and I.

In addition to performing live surgery demonstrations and lecturing, Dr. Rohrich and I had a book signing for both of our textbooks – Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, 3rd Edition and Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters – published by Thieme Medical Publishers. Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, 3rd Edition has also been translated into Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese.

Dr. Ahmad and Dr. Rohrich at the book signing for their two landmark textbooks Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, 3rd Edition and Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global MastersDr. Ahmad and Dr. Rohrich promote rhinoplasty textbook

Rhinoplasty or ‘nose job’ surgery is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures in plastic surgery. Taking into consideration both the cosmetic and functional goals and combining this with the technically challenging nature of nasal surgery, rhinoplasty is considered one of the most challenging operations in plastic surgery.

As part of my presentations, I talked about concepts and techniques that I apply to achieve consistently great rhinoplasty results from both a cosmetic and functional point of view. I specifically lectured about:

stack of rhinoplasty textbooks

• Preoperative assessment and analysis of the patient and their nose to define treatment goals with the patient
• Precision osteotomies to reshape the bones during rhinoplasty
• Correction of alar flare (i.e., excessively large or wide nostrils) which is required more frequently in ethnic rhinoplasty
• Nonsurgical rhinoplasty and treatment of the nose with hyaluronic acid soft tissue fillers

Throughout our presentations, we discussed many surgical concepts aimed at improving the results after rhinoplasty surgery – concepts that make the difference between a good and a great rhinoplasty result.

In addition to discussing rhinoplasty, it is always great to travel and meet plastic surgeons from around the world to compare and contrast our experiences. The Brazilians are truly great hosts!

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