Plastic Surgery Blog
It’s probably safe to say that many (if not most) celebrities have dabbled in some sort of cosmetic procedure, whether surgical or not. Celebrities are in the business of selling a specific image of themselves, so there’s really no surprise that many of them would turn to plastic surgery for a little help in maintaining that image. And honestly, there’s no shame in that. Some celebrities have been very candid about their plastic surgery procedures and some have wanted to keep it on the down low.
What we’re interested in are the looks that are trending right now, and taking a moment to demystify what’s behind many of them.
What we’re seeing at the moment, unfortunately, is that Photoshop continues to reign supreme as the top trend of all. We’re seeing a lot of distortion on social media, when it comes to how certain celebrities and even more so how some influencers are presenting themselves, using special filters, lighting, and editing where needed.
So even if these well known people have had cosmetic surgery, Photoshop and FaceTune add that extra layer of perfection—and well let’s face it, deception—about how someone actually looks in real life. There’s even a massively popular Instagram account, @celebface, that documents FaceTune fails and the difference between what influencers and celebrities post to their accounts vs. the original photo before editing.
We also saw this trend recently blow up when someone posted a really beautiful, very natural image of Khloé Kardashian without her approval, who then made it her mission to scrub the internet of a *perfectly acceptable photo of herself*. What came out of the entire kerfuffle was that Khloé’s fans actually appreciated seeing what she “really” looks like un-photoshopped and un-retouched, and were super disappointed that she generally refuses to allow the public to see her authentic self. What’s heartening about the episode is that people actually yearn to see others in a real way, including celebrities.
the controversial pic in question, courtesy of Reddit
Even if celebrities have had a little help from the plastic surgery industry, people really appreciate knowing that. Why? Because we’re human. Even celebrities have things about themselves that they don’t particularly love, and it’s not realistic to claim that a supernatural-looking body and line-free face is possible with diet, exercise and moisturizer alone (sorry J.Lo, we are still not buying that your face looks flawless just because you put olive oil on it).
We’re in the cosmetic industry, but we don’t want to change who you are. We don’t want to “Photoshop” you, so to speak. It’s not about making you look perfect, or like celebrities, for that matter. It’s about enhancing what you’ve already got, bringing your best features to the forefront, or making the changes you want to allow your self confidence to shine.
We don’t want you to become someone different. We want you to do you!
With that in mind, we are optimistic about some of the other trends we’re seeing. People and celebrities alike are concerned about health, safety, and self-care, and this often translates to more of an emphasis on what looks natural, which we love, because that’s what we’re all about. We’re also seeing a pre-emptive and preventative approach with an emphasis on non-surgical treatments like Botox, filler and thread lifting, either with a conservative and subtle treatment plan, or to add a little something extra to the lips, cheeks or brow.
And as much as the body has always been a popular target area when it comes to plastic surgery, we’ve found that emphasis on the face has been increasingly important—possibly a result of all those hours spent on zoom and social media these days as the only way to connect.
If we’re talking about procedures that will give you that natural look and feel, procedures that involve fat injections in the butt, with a breast augmentation, or incorporated with a facelift have come a long way, and yield some fantastic results.
The procedure involves harvesting fat from areas of the body where you might have a little extra to spare, like around the abdomen or thighs, and then injecting it into the butt, breasts, and face. This approach is great because it enhances what you’ve already got using natural cells from your own body. So if you’re looking for natural and subtle then you can’t get any more natural than that.
While a Brazilian Butt Lift is totally centred around this approach, with breast augmentation, you have the option of fat grafting alone, or in combination with an implant. For the right patient, this can create an amazing, very natural-looking result that can even enhance cleavage. And with a facelift, we can not only tighten lax skin, but use fat grafting to restore lost volume in the cheeks and temples for a soft and natural look. This basically lets us take it to the next level.
And hey, who does not love a 2 for 1 deal?! Remove some fat from an unwanted area and add it where you want more volume.
Procedures like the eye lift, surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasty, hyaluronic acid (HA) injections, Botox and other neuromodulators, and also non-surgical treatments like the thread lift have really grown in popularity. These procedures, both surgical and non, will offer subtle changes that just give you a little boost and help you look the way you feel.
And when it comes to these non-surgical treatments, it’s safe to say they’re trending towards that idea of self-care. Unlike in the past when many people felt like hiding Botox appointments from friends or family, these cosmetic treatments are now part of a regular routine, kind of like going to the dentist or getting a haircut. Many of our patients now feel like dropping in for a non-surgical treatment is no big deal, or not something they’re pressured to hide.
Jennifer Garner is a great example of a celebrity who has always gone for subtle, natural-looking tweaks (though she’s never talked about any procedures she’s tried). We can see subtle changes to her smile likely with a combo of lip fillers for volume and Botox to limit upward range of motion in her upper lip, which reveals less of her gums when smiling. Other areas like her smooth brow and softened under eye area might suggest other injectables, too.
Whatever she’s doing and has always done is definitely working for her, because she looks gorgeous: super natural, like herself, enhancing her beautiful features like her lips, eyes and cheekbones.
We tend to forget about men when we talk about plastic surgery, but we’ve seen this trend playing out across all genders, and ages too. In anticipation of the upcoming Friends reunion we couldn’t help but share this recent photo of Matt LeBlanc, our beloved Joey Tribbiani.
Matt LeBlanc, similar to Jennifer Garner, has never actually talked about undergoing any cosmetic treatments, but the man looks amazing and we wouldn’t be surprised if that’s thanks to a pretty solid regimen of Botox and fillers as well. It looks like he’s had treatments to target fine lines and wrinkles and has maintained just the right amount of volume and elasticity in his face without looking noticeable. We love Matt’s look because he still looks as though he’s aged, but in this really natural and handsome way. And when we look at him, we still recognize Joey.
Another trending procedure we’re not seeing the end of anytime soon is body contouring, both surgical and non-surgical. And non-surgical body contouring treatments, like CoolSculpting and BodyTite, have really gained traction with outspoken fans including Molly Sims, Gretchen Rossi, Kris Jenner and Khloé Kardashian .
Social media star and fitness model Paige Hathaway has been candid about having had the BodyTite non-surgical body contouring procedure in order to tighten her abdomen after pregnancy. And Real Housewives star Cynthia Bailey has also been outspoken about choosing BodyTite. She says she loves the procedure because it’s minimally invasive with little downtime, and because she’s also seen fantastic results, which have motivated her to continue working out and staying healthy. And it absolutely shows because she looks amazing!
Cynthia Bailey
Buccal fat pad removal for facial contouring is increasing in popularity every year. It’s a surgical procedure, where the fat pads that sit just under the cheek hollows are removed in order to accentuate the cheekbones. It’s actually a really simple procedure as far as surgeries go and really offers beautiful results for the right patient.
Although she’s never talked about having had surgery, Bella Hadid has possibly the most striking before and after that suggests she most likely had buccal fat pad removal surgery (and in combination with a rhinoplasty, as there is such a notable difference in the definition and shape of her nose).
Obviously super cute in her before picture, the procedure has really given her those characteristic supermodel cheekbones, and has really added definition to not only her cheeks but also to her jawline. Again, while it’s surgery, it’s a subtle procedure that offers some really natural results, and doesn’t change your face, only enhances what’s already there. Bella always had those cheekbones, and now we can really see them.
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