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Dallas Cosmetic Surgery and Rhinoplasty Symposium

It has been a busy but interesting month for conferences and medical meetings.  Dr. Jamil Ahmad and I were both in attendance at the world-renowned Dallas Cosmetic Surgery and  Rhinoplasty Symposium.  Dr. Ahmad participated on the faculty as the Anatomy Lab Course Director, and I participated as a Guest Cosmetic Faculty delivering two talks on breast augmentation surgery.

It was a bittersweet year for the annual event.  With the inaugural meeting in 1983, this marked the 35th year of the Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium and the 21st anniversary of the Dallas Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine Meeting.  It also marked the passing of one of the symposium’s founders, the great Jack P. Gunter, M.D.  Jack was a consummate expert and superb rhinoplasty teacher, credited with teaching not only the science, but the art of rhinoplasty to over 10,000 plastic surgeons and facial plastic surgeons.  He influenced an entire generation of rhinoplasty experts with candour, humour and creative skill.  He will be forever remembered as one of the pioneers of rhinoplasty and a great educator of cosmetic medicine.  The 2018 Symposium was dedicated to his memory.

It was my fourth year speaking at the Dallas Symposium and I am continually impressed by this unique program which is now run by one of the greats in Plastic Surgery, Dr. Rod Rohrich. This meeting brings together a world class faculty and includes presentations, panel discussions, live demonstrations, pre-recorded video and Q&A sessions with audience participation. As a meeting truly aligned to instruction and shared knowledge, the objectives of the meetings are to teach other plastic surgeons how to achieve safe and reproducible aesthetic results.

Topics at the 2018 Cosmetic Surgery Meeting included state of the art technology in lasers, IPL, vaginal rejuvenation, noninvasive fat removal and skin tightening, cellulitis fixes/solutions, new hyaluronic acid fillers and advanced skin care, and ethical marketing practices around social media in medical practices.  The Rhinoplasty sessions covered a review of the nasal anatomy, how to analyze the nose, diagnosing common and uncommon rhinoplasty problems, and development of an individualized operative plan for various rhinoplasty deformities.

One of the most beneficial elements of this particular Symposium is the outstanding anatomy lab.  The Fresh Cadaver lab is a unique experience allowing attendees hands-on participation to observe and learn new techniques directly from the experts.  This year, this unique experience included a focus on controversies and advances in face, breast and body contouring procedures, as well as surgical and nonsurgical options for facial rejuvenation and autologous fat grafting.  This is a valuable hands-on experience that uniquely provides the opportunity to learn and then apply new techniques and innovative procedures.

It was a delight to attend and participate in this meeting.  With several more conferences on the immediate horizon, Dr. Ahmad and I are always looking to stay on the forefront of new advances, technologies and developments in Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic practices.

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