Drs. Lista and Ahmad Publish Authoritative Journal Article on Cohesive Gel Implants
August 07, 2013
Drs. Lista and Ahmad have published an article in the August 2013 issue of the prestigious Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS) reviewing the results of 440 patients undergoing breast augmentation with the Allergan style 410 form stable cohesive gel implant. The article discusses the advantages of cohesive gel breast augmentation as well as outlining the risks, complications and re-operation rates. PRS is a peer review journal and submitted papers are rigorously reviewed by several plastic surgeons who are experts in the field before being accepted for publication. This article represents one of the largest series published reviewing the use of cohesive gel implants and affirms Drs. Lista’s and Ahmad’s authority as leaders in the field of cohesive gel breast augmentation. The article is followed by a video discussion by world renowned plastic surgeon Dr. David Hidalgo who praised Dr. Lista and Dr. Ahmad for their honesty. The article can be reviewed here.
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